
Air Force Reveals Five Afghans Attempted to Hijack Flight from Kabul During Chaotic August Airlift

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As reported earlier — On Thursday, August 26th a suicide bomber blew himself up near the Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport killing 13 Americans:  11 US Marines, a Navy Hospitalman, and an Army Staff Sgt and over 150 Afghans.

The Taliban allowed the ISIS bomber, later identified as Abdul Rehman, to get through the perimeter.  He was not able to get through the inside perimeter.  He was outside the gate when he detonated his explosive vest by the crowded Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport.

The Marines on the ground at that time, according to Caz from The Raid Team Co., said the military was not even checking the names of Afghans they were loading into planes out of Afghanistan.