
At Least 5 Dead After Bow and Arrow Rampage in Norway – Assailant Arrested, Terror Probe Launched

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At least 5 people are dead and at least two more are injured after a man went on a bow and arrow rampage in Kongsberg, Norway Wednesday evening.

The unnamed assailant was arrested and a terror probe has been launched.

According to reports, a man began firing arrows into a Co-Op Supermarket in a small mining town about 80 miles from the capital Oslo.

Police arrested the man 30 minutes after he began shooting arrows at people.

Express UK reported:

A TERROR probe has been launched after at least five people were killed when a man went on a rampage with a bow and arrow in Norway today.

The unnamed suspect reportedly began firing the weapon into a Co-Op supermarket in the small mining town of Kongsberg – about 80 miles from the capital Oslo.