
Adam Kinzinger Says January 6 Committee Subpoenaing Trump and Pence is Not Off the Table

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RINO Representative Adam Kinzinger told CNN on Thursday that the January 6 committee subpoenaing former President Donald Trump or his Vice President Mike Pence is “not off the table.”

Speaking to Anderson Cooper, Kinzinger said, “It is realistic.”

“We’re joined by one of two Republicans on the committee … Your colleague, Chairman Bennie Thompson, has not ruled out a subpoena for former President Trump. Is that really realistic, a subpoena for him or vice president Pence?” Cooper asked.

Kinzinger replied, “Yeah, I’m sure, you know, it is realistic. I mean, we’re not going to jump to doing that immediately because obviously, that’s big. There’s a lot of people that know a lot. But I’m going to tell you. I know the members of this committee.