
INSURRECTION! Violent Leftists Attempt to Storm Department of Interior – Demand End of Fossil Fuel Use before Winter

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Democrat activistss are protesting today in Washington DC to end fossil fuels for winter 2021.
Russia, Venezuela, China, and Iran support the movement.

Violent insurrectionists attempted to storm the Department of the Interior on Thursday fighting with police.
This won’t make any headlines in tomorrow’s liberal papers.

Climate protesters are pushing police, trying to force their way into the Department of the Interior where other activists have made it inside in an attempt to occupy the building. pic.twitter.com/IVhvPdTAYu

— Ellie Silverman (@esilverman11) October 14, 2021

One actress cried and screamed that her children “died in a coal mine” as she was arrested across town in front of the White House.