
Internal Police Documents Reveal What Was Obvious – Shooting of Ashli Babbitt Was for “No Good Reason” and Yet Her Killer Walks Free

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Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was shot and killed during the storming of the US Capitol on January 6ht by a bullet fired by Capitol Police officer ​​Lt. Michael Byrd.

Babbitt did not have any weapons. She was not carrying anything. She was not threatening anyone. She was a small woman climbing through a broken window. She was not warned. She was shot dead in cold blood.

Michael Byrd walked free for this murder. He has no remorse. He is still on the force and free to kill again.

Judicial Watch recently obtained over 500 pages of internal documents from the DC Metro Police over Ashli Babbitt’s killing.

Law Enforcement Today reported:

According to Fox News,