
NOT MAKING HEADLINES – EXCLUSIVE: AG Garland’s Wife Is an Advisor Closely Linked to Brennan Center and Connected with Far-Left Groups Working to Prevent 2020 Election Audits — HE MUST RECUSE!

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Attorney General Merrick Garland is withholding more information and the fake news mainstream media is covering for him.  Not only is his son-in-law making millions pushing CRT garbage to schools around the country,  his wife is connected with election groups who are doing all they can to prevent audits of the 2020 presidential election.

We previously released information that US Attorney General Merrick Garland’s son-in-law is pushing material related to the Critical Race Theory (CRT) to schools around the US.  Despite this AG Garland asked the FBI to step in an investigate parents who are complaining about the racist CRT being taught to their children.

AG Garland Threatens Parents Who Criticize Critical Race Theory (CRT) – His Son-In-Law Sells CRT Books to Schools

Today we have uncovered information that Garland’s wife is an election specialist with connections to ‘non-profits’ attempting to prevent any election audits of the 2020 Presidential Election.