
CDC Shares Easy Ways You Can Divide Unvaccinated Family and Friends From Those Who’ve Been Vaccinated Over The Holidays

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Guest post by 100 Percent Fed Up – Are you exhausted just thinking about the best ways to make Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas as divisive and miserable as possible for family and friends?

Are you concerned that your 6-year-old, who has a better chance of dying from walking in front of a bus than dying from COVID, might get the CCP virus from your unvaccinated uncle?

Do you wish you had an easy way for guests to know who they should and shouldn’t talk to or get too close to when it comes time to choose a seat at the dining room table?

Well, you’re in luck. The CDC has published its brand new guidelines for how family and friends should interact with their loved ones—just in time for the holidays.