
With ‘Mayor Pete’ on Paternity Leave, Biden Chooses Navy Climate Change Expert with No Commercial Shipping Experience to Address Shipping Crisis

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Biden’s Secretary of Transportation, ‘Mayor Pete’ Buttigieg, is out on paternity leave.  So Biden chooses a US Maritime Administrator with zero experience on commercial ships to address the largest shipping crisis in the country’s history.

We reported last month on the ships anchored offshore unable to unload their cargo from overseas.

What’s Going On? The Number of Container Ships Drifting Off Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach at All-Time High

Yesterday we reported that the Secretary of Transportation, the individual who should be addressing this mess, is out on paternity leave in the greatest commercial shipping crisis history.

What Supply Chain Crisis? Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Has Been on Paid Paternity Leave Since August

Now gCaptain reports:

…during the worst shipping crisis of the century,