
“That’s What the Government Is Doing, It Wants to Intimidate Parents” – Professor Nicholas Giordano with Steve Malzberg on ‘Eat the Press’

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Professor Nicholas Giordano was on with Steve Malzberg at ‘Eat the Press’.  He asks where are the conservatives in Congress and conservative groups in fighting back?

Giordana is a political science professor.  He hosts the PAS Report Podcast. He’s been on Tucker as well.

He says there is a link from the Justice Department’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism”, unveiled in June, to the letter released aimed at parents at school board meetings. He also pleads with parents not to be afraid, but to continue to speak out or it will be too late.

He is noted in the video below on Malzberg’s ‘Eat the Press‘:

:50 into video-I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THIS DAY–The memo issued by DOJ on parents as domestic terrorists is an extension of the National Strategy For Countering Domestic Terrorism announced by Garland in June.