
Canadian Government Bans Employees From Saying ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

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Canadian government employees have been banned from saying “let’s go Brandon” or any variation of the popular rally cry.

The meme phrase started as fans at sports games began constantly chanting “f-ck Joe Biden,” but was misunderstood to have been “let’s go Brandon” by NBC reporter Kelli Stavast while she was interviewing Nascar driver Brandon Brown.

A letter from the Canadian government to employees, dated October 14, was posted online by Peter McCaffrey, the president of the Alberta Institute. It said that it was a “formal notification” that the phrase “Let’s go, Brandon” in any form is banned by the Canadian Public Service.

Canadian government workers must not say “Let’s Go Brandon”, or any variation thereof, in any communication.

😂#cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/kDVpWQkqk3

— Peter McCaffrey (@peteremcc) October 17,