
President Trump Sues the Corrupt Capitol Riot Committee and the National Archives – The Anti-American Democrats and RINOs are Out of Control

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President Trump today sued the corrupt US House Capital Riot Committee and the National Archives

President Trump sued the biased and corrupt US House Capital Riot Committee and the National Archives Committee that is currently harassing the President with a corrupt one-sided investigation.  This committee is not focused on the stolen November 3, 2020 Election, rather it focuses on the Deep State instigated Capitol protests on January 6th.

On January 6th numerous bad individuals, including Antifa, attacked the US Capitol and broke a few windows. But BLM and Antifa are protected by the Biden/Obama government while good Americans are jailed.

Today’s Department of In-Justice: On Same Day DOJ Hunts Down Grandma for Walking in US Capitol – They Announce They will Seal Records of Over 200 BLM and Antifa Criminals

Of course,