
Woke Military Deploys Gender Advisors for Afghans at Fort McCoy

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The woke-ness never stops.
After surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, stranding thousands of Americans and green card holders and arming the terror regime with tens of billions of US weapons the US military is back focusing on the important work.

The woke US military deployed “gender and protection advisors” to Fort McCoy recently to deal with the domestic abuse and assaults on children.

Instead of focusing on how to rescue stranded Americans or how to prevent losing to 7th-century barbarians, they’re focusing on gender issues.

Meanwhile, China surprised the US by testing a new hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the entire globe at low orbit in August.

China Tests New Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Missile That Circled Entire Globe at Low-Orbit – US Military Officials Stunned

Madison.com reported:

The U.S.