
Biden Tells Debunked Story About Amtrak Worker For the FOURTH Time, Claims he “Commuted Every Single Day for 36 Years as Vice President” (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden once again told the debunked story about the Amtrak worker named Angelo Negri who used to grab his cheek.

Joe Biden’s motorcade was booed as he arrived in Scranton, Pennsylvania on his way to promote his “Build Back Better” agenda ta the Electric City Trolley Museum.

Biden’s speech went downhill as soon as he veered off script.

Joe Biden repeated the debunked story about the Amtrak worker named who used to grab his cheek.

“He goes Joey Babyyyyy what are you — and I thought the Secret Service was going to shoot him. I said, no, no, no, no he’s good! True story!” Biden exclaimed.

This is one of Biden’s favorite lies.