
BRAVO! GOP Reps Jordan, Johnson, Steube, Biggs, Gohmert, Spartz, Massie, Gaetz, Chabot, McClintock and Ken Buck DESTROY AG Garland at House Hearing (VIDEO)

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Republican lawmakers totally represented today at the House Judiciary Committee hearing!
House GOP members showed up, were prepared, organized, focused on separate issues and COMPLETELY DESTROYED the corrupt Attorney General of the United States.

The GOP lawmakers blasted Attorney General Merrick Garland and the criminal actions of the current regime.

Garland, who was unimpressive and a terrible witness, dim and clumsy, had no answers to their many questions on the dire state of the Department of In-Justice and this corrupt regime.

This was absolutely brutal!

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) put Garland in a Half Nelson and grilled the AG on the alleged “uptick” in threats at school board meetings.
Garland had no answer.