
“China is Laughing at Us:” Twitter Suspends Rep. Jim Banks and Censors Marjorie Taylor Greene for Pointing Out That “The First-Ever Female 4 Star Admiral,” Rachel Levine, is a MAN

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This week, Twitter cracked down on two sitting US House Representatives for factually acknowledging that Biden’s assistant health secretary of the HHS – Rachel Levine – was a man for almost 50 years, and shouldn’t be labeled as the “first female anything.”  She lived the majority of his entire life as a man before transitioning in her late 40’s.

Levine was sworn in to her new position earlier this week and was promptly labeled “the first-ever female” four-star admiral to serve in the US government.

Reps Banks (R-IN) and Greene (R-GA) took a stand for women when they sent their tweets, pointing out that attributing the title of the first female anything to Levine would be a hindrance to furthering equal rights for women.