
Huawei Paid Tony Podesta $500K To Lobby Biden Admin, Then Huawei Executive’s Extradition Was Dropped

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Biden’s DOJ bent the knee to China and allowed Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou to return home from Canada.

This comes after Tony Podesta revealed he was paid $500,000 to lobby the Biden administration on behalf of Huawei.

BBC reported:

A Chinese technology executive held in Canada on US fraud charges has left the country after a deal with prosecutors, following years of diplomatic tensions over her fate.

Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei, was detained on fraud charges in December 2018 at the request of the US.

On Friday, the US Department of Justice dropped an extradition request for her.

Time to connect the dots.

Zero Hedge has more:

Chinese tech giant Huawei paid Democratic lobbyist and donor Tony Podesta $500,000 to lobby the White House during the third quarter – the same period in which the Biden DOJ struck a deal to allow Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou to return home from Canada,