
In Case You Missed It: Rep. Jim Jordan DESTROYS AG Garland at House Hearing: “Tyranny Is When The People Fear The Government”

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U.S. Congressman Jim Jordan from Ohio destroyed U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden Regime during Thursday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, telling him that Americans will no longer tolerate tyranny.

The Gateway Pundit reported that GOP lawmakers tore AG Garland to pieces during the hearling.  Garland had no answers to their many questions on the dire state of the Department of In-Justice and this corrupt regime.

BRAVO! GOP Reps Jordan, Johnson, Steube, Biggs, Gohmert, Spartz, Massie, Gaetz, Chabot, McClintock and Ken Buck DESTROY AG Garland at House Hearing (VIDEO)

Here is a trnscript of what Rep. Jim Jordan told the Attorney General,

Jordan: The chairman just said the Trump DOJ was political and went after their opponents.