
Biden’s Treasury Nominee to Regulate US Banking Is Open Marxist Who Joined Facebook Marxist Analysis Page in 2019

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The Biden regime recently nominated an open Marxist to the role of comptroller of the currency. Saule Omarova was nominated run the key post that regulates national banks last month.

Saule Omarova was born in the USSR and is a devout Marxist.

She refused to turn over her thesis on Maxism to the Senate when she was nominated by Biden to run the banks.

Biden’s Pick for Comptroller of the Currency, Born and Raised in Communist USSR, Won’t Hand Over Her Thesis on Marxism Written When She Was in the USSR

And now internet sleuths discovered that Omarova joined a Facebook group for Marxists and socialists back in 2019.

Again — this was only two years ago in 2019.