
Fauci’s House of Horrors: NIH Spent 16+ Million in Taxpayer Funds on Disturbing ‘Toxic Brain Injection’ Experiments on Monkeys; “Drilled Holes in Their Skulls and Implanted Devices into the Brain”

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Another shocking report by the White Coat Waste Project has uncovered how the Fauci-led National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent millions in taxpayer funds on despicable experiments where researchers would “cripple monkeys with toxic brain injections” through implanted devices in their skull.

The sickening project has been funded by the NIH since at least 2018 and has received upwards of $16 million in taxpayer funds for their Mengele-Esque research that includes:

  • Locking the monkeys alone in small cages.
  • Drilling holes into the monkey’s skulls.
  • Implanting head restraining devices.
  • Implanting electrodes into the monkey’s brains.
  • Injecting toxins that destroy the monkey’s brains,