
The Democrats’ ActBlue Fundraising Platform Questioned Again for Election Related Improprieties

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More shady issues from ActBlue were identified over the weekend. 

In June 2020 we reported on the Democrats’ funding machine ActBlue and how donations from Black Lives Matter (BLM) were flowing through this entity and handled by radical characters on the left.

EXCLUSIVE: Donations to BLM Are Funneled Through Democrat Related ActBlue and Handled by Organization Led By Member of Weather Underground Terrorist Group

We then uncovered that ActBlue was accepting donations from individuals who supposedly are unemployed.

Shady Democrat Donor Website, ACTBLUE, Received Nearly Half ($346 Million) in Donations in 2019 From 4.7 Million Unemployed Donors Despite Unemployment at Less Than 4% in 2019

We also uncovered that ActBlue has no means of determining if donations are from foreign or domestic donors.