
59% of Likely Voters Say “F*ck Joe Biden” is Appropriate, 77% Say “Let’s Go Brandon” Appropriate… But Joe Biden TOTALLY Got 81 Million Votes

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Less than a year ago Joe Biden allegedly won 81 million votes in the presidential election.
It never happened.

And here’s more proof — Today vast majority of American voters believe chanting “F**k Joe Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon!” are both appropriate.

11 months after he reportedly won 81 million votes!
It never happened.

Breitbart.com reported:

A majority of likely voters who are familiar with ever-popular chants of “Fuck Joe Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon!” say they are “appropriate” ways to protest the Biden administration, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Tuesday found.

Most likely voters are familiar with the chants that are largely taking place at sporting events,