
TRUMP SUPPORTERS AND PETA PROTESTERS Greet Joe Biden at McAuliffe Rally in Virginia After Long Afternoon Nap — Only a Couple Hundred Show Up for “81 Million Vote” Joe

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“Everything woke turns to sh*t!”

Via Sara Carter: Scott Knuth isn’t worried about the 5 Biden supporters showing up to the rally for Terry McAuliffe, he said

Scott Knuth isn’t worried about the 5 Biden supporters showing up to the rally for Terry McAuliffe, he said 😊#ArlingtonRally pic.twitter.com/m99SiWi5ZK

— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) October 26, 2021

Small group of protesters outside of Biden’s Arlington rally tonight with McAuliffe #VAGov pic.twitter.com/pKELxD654x

— Mica Soellner (@MicaSoellnerDC) October 26, 2021

Only a couple hundred supporters came out to see “81 million vote” Joe Biden.