
MORE PROOF: Email Confirms Biden Filled Kabul Planes With Unvetted Afghans – Biden Regime Wanted Numbers to Hoodwink Americans

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In August Joe Biden turned over Afghanistan to the Taliban terrorists and armed them with $80 billion in US weapons. It was the greatest transfer of weapons to an enemy force in history.

At the same time, 13 American servicemen and women were murdered by a terrorist after Biden put US troops in an impossible situation with an impossible mission. The Biden regime and international teams evacuated over 100,000 Afghans from Kabul before the US military fled Kabul. Thousands of Americans and green card holders still remain in Afghanistan to this day.

According to our report from military sources on the ground at the time, Joe Biden was not vetting any of the Afghans who were fleeing the country.

US Marine on the Ground in Kabul Says Biden Admin Filled Planes with Unvetted Afghans – Those with Papers were Left Behind — NY Times Confirms Afghans Were Unvetted

According to US Marines on the ground in Kabul at the time of departure,