
Mark Zuckerberg Announces He is Rebranding Facebook as “Meta” (VIDEO)

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Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday announced he is rebranding Facebook as “Meta.”

“Zuckerberg says he expects the metaverse to reach a billion people within the next decade. The metaverse, he says, will be a place people will be able to interact, work and create products and content in what he hopes will be a new ecosystem that creates “millions” of jobs for creators.” – AP reported.

“Today we are seen as a social media company,” Zuckerberg said. “But in our DNA we are a company that builds technology to connect people.”

What a creep.


ZUCKERBERG: “I am proud to announce that, starting today, our company is now #Meta.” https://t.co/AWr9y904mZ pic.twitter.com/fc25AajlvL

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 28,