
McMURRAY EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Opened Their Trump Impeachment Hearing with Jan. 6 Video that Starred Fed Operative Ray Epps

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Yesterday, we asked the question, “Has America been scammed?”
Were Trump supporters set up by federal agents who lured them to the Capitol and then played on their emotions to encourage them to go inside?

100 Percent Fed Up- Have Trump supporters been framed to make them look like “domestic terrorists” while Democrats walk away from the biggest voter fraud scam in American history?

When it comes to luring Trump supporters to the Capitol, was there anyone more obvious than Ray Epps?

Mr. Epps, an Arizona resident, and former Oath Keeper president worked alongside the Oath Keeper Founder and President Stewart Rhodes. B

Both were at the Capitol on January 6th, and despite several Oath Keepers being arrested for taking part in the phony “insurrection,” neither Epps nor Rhodes has been arrested or charged with any crimes related to January 6th.