
Racine Sheriff’s Office to Submit Investigation to District Attorney — Wisconsin Election Commission Violated Law in Statewide Nursing Home Voter Scam (VIDEO)

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The Racine County Sheriff’s Office announced during their press conference on Thursday that they are submitting their investigation to the Racine District Attorney’s office following their hearing today.

The Wisconsin Election Commission violated state law in a statewide nursing home voting scam.

The Racine Sheriffs laid out the results of their investigation on Thursday. The government did not follow the law.

The Wisconsin Election Commission took advantage of impaired seniors. The Racine Sheriffs believe this crime occurred in all 72 counties.

As TGP reported earlier.

Of the absentee ballots, over 265,000 ballots were in an indefinitely confined status, compared to 67,000 in 2016.  This was an increase of 200,000 indefinitely confined voters.