
McAuliffe Campaign, Virginia Democrats Deny Role in False Flag Tiki Torch Stunt at Glenn Youngkin Campaign Stop

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The campaign of Democrat candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe denied having a role in the in the false flag Tiki torch stunt at a Charlottesville campaign stop by Republican candidate for governor Glenn Youngkin. The Virginia Democratic Party also denied involvement.

A group of five people comprised of three White men, a White woman and a Black man, dressed in matching white dress shirts, tan khaki trousers, ball caps and sunglasses with each carrying Tiki torches pretended to be Youngkin supporters as they reenacted the infamous 2017 White nationalist Tiki torch Unite the Right march in Charlottesville.

The stunt was reported by Elizabeth Holmes with WVIR-TV:

These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like,