
Reports: Desperate Dems Stage False Flag Tiki Torch Photo Op at Glenn Youngkin Campaign Stop in Charlottesville

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A small group of Tiki torch bearing young men and one woman dressed alike in white dress shirts, tan khaki pants and ball caps posed together in front of Republican candidate for Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin’s campaign bus at a stop at Guadalajara Restaurant in Charlottesville Friday morning. The costumes and props were used to reenact the infamous 2017 White nationalist Unite the Right Tiki torch march in Charlottesville.

Curiously, one of the ‘white supremacists’ posing in front of the Youngkin bus was a Black man.

Local reporter Elizabeth Holmes posted a photo of the costumed men that went viral, “These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara started.