
US Intel Community Is Totally Corrupt – Says It Won’t Likely Ever Be Able to Tell If China’s COVID-19 Spread by Animal to Human or Was Made in a Lab

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The US Intel Community claims they can’t tell if COVID-19 came from an animal to human occurrence or was created in a lab.  These people are corrupt and lying.

Biden’s corrupt and dishonest intel community claimed today they can’t tell whether COVID came from an animal or from a lab.  These people should never be trusted about anything.  Newsmax reports:

Barring an unforeseen breakthrough, intelligence agencies won’t be able to conclude whether COVID-19 spread by animal-to-human transmission or leaked from a lab, officials said Friday in releasing a fuller version of their review into the origins of the pandemic.

The paper issued by the Director of National Intelligence elaborates on findings released in August of a 90-day review ordered by President Joe Biden.