
Who’s in Charge of Joe? Biden Admits He Was Clueless About France’s Knowledge of Australia Submarine Deal Breach: “I Honest to God Did Not Know”

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Joe Biden met in Rome Friday with French President Emmanuel Macron, their first face-to-face meeting since Biden blew up relations with America’s oldest ally two months ago by maneuvering to cancel a diesel submarine deal between France and Australia in favor of a deal where the U.S. and U.K. would help Australia develop nuclear subs as part of a new Pacific alliance between the three nations called AUKUS. The move caught France by surprise, prompting an angry Macron to recall the French Ambassador to the U.S.–for the first time in well over two hundreds of close ties going back to the Revolutionary War.

Biden told Macron on Friday his administration’s handling of their relations was “clumsy”, adding he did not know what was going on.