
AG Merrick Garland Called On the FBI to Stalk and Harass American Parents Because They Objected to This Porn Book in their School’s Library — (Warning on Content)

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In early October Mark Levin broadcast a letter with insider information on the teachers union, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the FBI who met and organized how to combat America’s parents who were speaking out at local school board meetings across the country.

The parents were outraged at the COVID masking and vaccination rules, critical race theory indoctrination and open porn disguised as literature promoted in American schools today.

The Biden administration and the teachers unions knew this would be a problem for the midterm elections. They knew they must act.  The liberal group drafted and released a letter urging the government to use the Patriot Act to spy on American parents of school children for speaking out.  Then just days later Attorney General Merrick Garland released his new plan to target and silence American parents of school children by using the FBI and intelligence agencies to crack down on American parents.