
SKUNK IN THE KITCHEN: Two Top Virginia Democrats Identified in Tiki Torch Stunt — Obviously, Dirtbag Democrats Were Behind Racist Prank

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Virginia Democrat leaders Camden Layton and Colleen Wachenfeld

The Lincoln Project, a group of pyscho Trump-hating Republican operatives, issued a statement Friday afternoon claiming credit for the false flag Tiki torch stunt Friday morning in Charlottesville that targeted the campaign of Republican candidate for governor Glenn Youngkin. (Update at end, a liberal activist claims co-credit.)

The stunt was reported by WVIC-TV reporter Elizabeth Holmes who reported the operatives said something like, “We’re all in for Glenn,”
as they formed up in front of the Youngkin campaign bus parked outside an event at a Guadalajara Restaurant in Charlottesville.

These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like,