
BREAKING: New Report Shows Detroit Used Defective Ballot Boxes In 2020 Election Despite Warning Stickers: “Not approved for use as a ballot container”…”You could shove papers right through the back of them”

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By now, most of America knows that when it comes to voting, Detroit is one of the most corrupt cities in America.

100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – Thugs, which included paid election workers and scores of outside agitators at the TCF Center in Detroit, were used to distract, threaten, bully and intimidate GOP and Independent poll workers. At the same time, in the wee hours of the morning, boxes of ballots were delivered in an unmarked van filled with ballots that appeared in a back hallway of the largest absentee ballot counting center in Michigan.

After winning the election in 2016, Michigan residents witnessed Donald Trump’s popularity explode in their state. Rallies were larger, more Trump signs appeared in front yards across the state,