
Matt Gaetz Endorses Trump Firebrand In Florida – Calls on Reparations of $5 Trillion from Chinese Regime

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On Saturday, this GP contributor had the chance to attend a rally in Florida, where Congressman Matt Gaetz endorsed State Representative Anthony Sabatini in his campaign for congress in Florida’s 7th congressional district.

Congressman Gaetz lauded Sabatini for his fight against the unconstitutional mask and vaccine mandates in Florida, where he has sued dozens or county or municipal governments for their tyrannical overreach.

Sabatini, who proposed a bill to name one of the largest highways in Florida after President Donald J. Trump, welcomed the responsibility to fight for the America First agenda and to spend his time in congress alongside people like Congressman Matt Gaetz.

“Matt Gaetz’s endorsement really solidifies the America First movement that is behind our campaign.  » READ MORE