
Halloween Attack: Man Dressed as “Joker” Stabs at Least 17 People on Tokyo Train and Starts Fire in Train’s Wagon (VIDEO)

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A young man dressed as the famous Batman villain the Joker went on a Halloween rampage that injured at least 17 people including 3 serious cases on board a Tokyo train bound for Shinjuku.  He then started a fire in one of the train’s wagons on Sunday.

The suspect was identified as Kyota Hattori, 24, who was arrested and investigated for attempted murder. Before he was taken into custody, Hattori was seen sitting and casually smoking after stabbing and spraying hydrochloric acid on passengers. He told the police that he regrets not killing anyone in the attack.

🚨 | NEW: The alleged attacker in Japan, in a “Joker” costume. Sitting and casually smoking after stabbing and spraying hydrochloric acid on passengers on a train in Tokyo,