
China’s Evergrande Somehow Made Recent Interest Payments But Default is on the Horizon

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Evergrande somehow made some recent interest payments to prevent the company from being officially insolvent, but the writing is on the wall.

We’ve been reporting about Evergrande for months, the behemoth Chinese realty concern that holds a reported $300 billion in debt.

Hong Kong’s Richest Lady Now Taking On Massive Losses Due to Evergrande’s Solvency Issues Emanating from the China Real Estate Crisis

Recently China gave an indication of how it will handle Evergrande’s impending insolvency.

China Tells Evergrande Billionaire to Pay off His Insolvent Company’s $300 Billion in Debt with His $8 Billion in Worth

Yesterday, Foreign Policy reported on the Evergrande crisis and China’s likely actions:

In recent weeks,