
IT’S HAPPENING AGAIN – Judge In Virginia Dismisses Case – Allows Fairfax County to Include Absentee and Mail-In Ballots in Governor Election that Violate the Law

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Some things never change.  Judges that won’t do what’s just and Democrats who steal elections.  

We reported previously that Virginia was not requiring the last 4 digits of social security numbers on absentee ballots.  This is in direct violation of the law.

Another Virginia Election, Another Election Steal – Virginia’s Fairfax County Reportedly Not Requiring Last Four Digits of SSN’s on Absentee Ballots

This comes from the same county that had over 300,000 ballots dropped for Joe Biden on election night while only 30,000 dropped for Trump – Three times!

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too

So a voter group,