
TOMORROW: AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Leads AZ Election Integrity Rally: “One Year Anniversary Of The Corrupt Election”

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November 3, 2021, is the one-year anniversary of The Big Lie and our nation is in peril.

Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake will host a rally tomorrow at 6 p.m. tomorrow in Glendale, Arizona and we will hear from some of the Patriots who have led the fight for the truth.

Get tickets, here.

You’re Invited! Join us on November 3rd in Glendale to Rally for Election Integrity 🇺🇸

For tickets visit: https://t.co/1TGdVKq7Ft pic.twitter.com/dCrly75XeZ

— Kari Lake for AZ Governor (@KariLake) October 28, 2021

Appearances or videos will be made by Candidate for Arizona Secretary of State Mark Finchem,