
US Navy Officer Provides Documents That Show Navy Lacks Legal Basis for Mandating Vaccines Currently Available to its Naval Forces

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The military MAY be unlawfully mandating the COVID vaccine.  

The following comes from a Navy Officer who soon may be “relieved of his current command for cause (i.e. early and against my will) and forced to retire at the peak of my career to avoid inviting additional punishment for refusing to submit to the experimental vaccine.”

Orders issued by subordinate commanders mandating the COVID vaccine may be in contradiction to SECDEF Order of August 24, 2021, because the FDA-approved version of the vaccine is not yet available. The SECDEF order clearly states that mandatory vaccination applies only to vaccines that have been fully approved by the FDA and labeled as such.  See attached.

Secdef Covid Vaccine Order by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Only the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has been approved by the FDA;