
Jan 6th Political Prisoner Chris Worrell to be IMMEDIATELY Transferred OUT of DC Gitmo After Surprise Inspection Found “Deplorable” Conditions and Denial of Medical Treatment

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On Wednesday, a federal judge ordered that a January 6th political prisoner be immediately transferred out of the DC Gulag after an unannounced US Marshals inspection of the facility found detainees were forced to live in “deplorable” conditions and were denied necessary medical care.

The defendant, Chris Worrell, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma while incarcerated and has been denied his cancer treatments for months. He will immediately be transferred to another facility outside of DC, where they will release him into home detention “as soon as possible” so he can receive much-needed chemotherapy for his worsening illness.

Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Chris Worrell Calls into Greg Kelly’s Show from Jail – Guards Have Not Given Him Access to His Cancer Drugs for 166 Days!