
Tough Day for Prosecutors of Kyle Rittenhouse

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The feckless Wisconsin prosecutors who are claiming that Kyle Rittenhouse murdered two men and wounded a third started the first day hearing from witnesses by figuratively shooting themselves in the foot. Testimony from the three witnesses–an FBI agent, Richie McGinniss and Ryan Balch–clearly helped defendant Rittenhouse, who insists he acted in self-defense.

Richie McGinniss, a reporter for the Daily Caller, was the first on the stand today:

McGinniss, who was running behind Joseph Rosenbaum when Kyle Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum, testified in court on Nov. 4, 2021, that Rosenbaum “lunged” for Rittenhouse’s gun and “threw his momentum toward the weapon,” bolstering the defendant’s self-defense argument and blowing a major hole in the state’s case.

“It was very clear to me that he (Rosenbaum) was reaching specifically for the weapon because that’s where his hands went,” McGinniss testified.