
Democrat Thought Leader AOC Slams James Carville for Blaming Election Losses on Far Left’s Marxist, Wokeness Agenda

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Following the stunning election losses on Tuesday former Clinton strategist James Carville blamed “stupid wokeness” was the cause of the losses for the Democrat-Marxists in Virginia and elsewhere.

Democrat thought leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was outraged at the suggestion and attacked Carville for referencing terms used by seniors and FOX News viewers.

AOC has no problem slamming educated, older Americans who disagree with her Marxist nonsense. So woke of her.

And before people disingenuously complain “woke” is denigrating to older people, it’s actually pundits like Carville using terms like “woke” to insult voters under 45 that’s denigrating.

Don’t wonder why youth turnout falls when Dems talk about them like this. We need everyone.