
EXPLOSIVE REPORT ON SCIENTIFIC TREASON: U.S. Traitors, Driven by Greed, are Betting on the Success of China

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Guest post by Lawrence Selin and Anna Chen

Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that COVID-19 could not have evolved in nature and, therefore, must have been created in a laboratory, it came as no surprise that U.S. intelligence agencies released an inconclusive report about its origin.

The U.S. intelligence agencies are part of a permanent U.S. federal bureaucracy, which is controlled by a rich and powerful few, who are profiting enormously from their collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party.

Similar to the Chinese Communist Party’s use of China and the Chinese people, the oligarchs do not consider the United States a nation, but simply a land and people to exploit.

Those rich and powerful few hire Democrats and Republicans and other stooges willing to sell out America for cash.