
Poll: Trump Leading Biden In Potential 2024 Matchup

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President Donald Trump has hinted multiple times that he will run in 2024.

A new poll from Emerson delivered good news to Trump if he does run.

The poll found Trump leading Biden in the potential 2024 matchup.


If the 2024 Presidential Election were held today, and the candidates were Donald Trump and Joe Biden, who would you vote for at this time?

45% Trump
43% Biden
11% Someone else
1% Undecidedhttps://t.co/xSVc1a0sKa pic.twitter.com/1Ci8ircSBG

— Emerson College Polling (@EmersonPolling) November 5, 2021


This comes as Biden’s approval continues to tank.

A poll from Zogby found only 36% think Biden is doing an excellent or good job.