
Newsmax Host Says He ‘Will Not Comply’ With Any Vaccine Mandate After Network Announces They Will Require Them

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Conservative news network Newsmax informed their staff on Thursday that they will be implementing a vaccine mandate.

Not long after the announcement, Newsmax host and former Donald Trump adviser Steve Cortes tweeted that he will not be complying with any vaccine mandates.

I will not comply w/ any organization’s attempt to enforce Biden’s capricious & unscientific Medical Apartheid mandate.

I will not be forced into the injection, nor will I disclose my vaccination status.

No one should be pressured to choose between medical privacy & their job.

— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) November 6, 2021

“I will not comply w/ any organization’s attempt to enforce Biden’s capricious & unscientific Medical Apartheid mandate,” Cortes wrote.