
Propaganda Takes Hold: An UNBELIEVABLE 30% of Millennials Now Identify as LGBTQ According To New Study – In 2018 It Was Less Than 9%

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A recent study about the rising influence of Millennials has revealed that almost 1/3 of the nearly 70 million adults that make up America’s most populous generation now identify as LGBTQ. The unprecedented number of people who are identifying this way is a terrifying signal of the group’s ever-growing propensity to be influenced by the Left’s Marxist propaganda.

The paper’s author, George Bana, told Newsweek that the sharp uptick can be directly attributed to “social and news media coverage” that has turned becoming LGBTQ into the new “safe and cool” trend.

“It’s a subset of a larger issue, that this is a generation where three out of four are searching for this meaning this is a group that doesn’t have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.