
It’s Like Déjà Vu… FLASHBACK VIDEO: Fauci Says Kids can Get AIDS From Casual Contact – Withheld Life-Saving Drugs from Gays with AIDS

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It’s like Déjà Vu.
In the 1980s during the height of the AIDS epidemic Dr. Fauci told Americans that children could catch AIDS from casual contact.

Of course, this caused a huge reaction from Americans towards gays and those suffering from the disease.

Fauci also withheld successful treatments from AIDS patients for over a year as THOUSANDS died.
He wanted a vaccine — that never came.

The Gateway Pundit posted this in April 2020.

Fauci Fun Facts: Dr. Fauci’s AIDS Predictions were also WAY OFF THE MARK

Dr. Anthony Fauci, current director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH,