
Liz Cheney and the Communist Democrats on the Jan 6th Committee Subpoena Ten More Trump Associates Including Kayleigh McEnany and Stephen Miller

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Liz Cheney and the communists in the Democrat Party aren’t interested in the truth.  Their only purpose is to continue to harass President Trump.   They hate Trump, his supporters, America, and its laws.

Liz Cheney joined radical communist-led Democrats in the Jan 6th committee because she hates President Trump for calling out her, her dad and her Democrats for their anti-American actions.  Today the Democrats and Cheney announced they are sending out ten more subpoenas to Trump associates in their political witch-hunt.

House investigators issued subpoenas Tuesday to 10 former officials who worked for Donald Trump at the end of his presidency, an effort to find out more about what the president was doing and saying as his supporters violently stormed the U.S.