
Rittenhouse Lawyer Will Ask For Mistrial Over Prosecutor’s Line of Questioning, Attempt to Introduce Inadmissible Evidence

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Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers say they will ask for a mistrial over the prosecutor’s line of questioning.

“Rittenhouse’s lawyer cites prosecutor’s attempt to introduce inadmissible evidence as reason to call for mistrial” – Reuters reported.

Rittenhouse’s lawyer says he is going to be making a motion for a mistrial pic.twitter.com/Mfgovc9XMz

— Reuters Legal (@ReutersLegal) November 10, 2021

Circuit Court Judge Bruce E. Schroeder on Wednesday ripped Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger just one day after the prosecution rested its case in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Rittenhouse’s lawyer asked the Court to strongly admonish Binger and warned he will be filing a motion for a mistrial with prejudice.