
US Surgeon General Warns Against ‘Misleading Memes’ – Says Not to Share Covid Vax Information Online Until Checking with Overlords at CDC

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Vivek Murthy

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on Tuesday warned against “misleading memes” and “cherry-picked stats” in the Biden Regime’s new efforts to stamp out Covid vaccine ‘misinformation.’

“With the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children 5 to 11 years old, it is more important than ever that families have access to accurate, science-based information. Health misinformation is spreading fast and far online and throughout our communities,” Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said in a press release Tuesday. “The good news is that we all have the power to help stop the spread of health misinformation during this pandemic and beyond. That’s where this toolkit comes in – to provide Americans with resources to help limit and reduce this threat to public health.”

The new ‘toolkit‘ (screenshot below) tells Americans not to share information about the Covid vaccines until they check with their overlords at the CDC first.